This past week proved very busy, but quite exciting and entertaining at the same time. Our Sparrow Village kids held a Heritage Day celebration – dancing, singing, miming, and entertaining the crowds. For a few weeks now Michael and I have been working with two age groups (the 7 year olds and the high school kids) in preparing their performances. Our sweet little Sparrows sang the national anthem beautifully and held a huge flag we painted together with colorful handprints, and our brave Sparrow boys represented Reverend McClintock’s Scottish heritage with a dance and painted blue and white faces modeled after the movie Brave Heart (our only solid resource here). Hehe. But it was a wonderful celebration in honor of Reverend McClintock’s last year at Sparrow – and a great introduction for Michael to the vast cultures of Southern Africa.
My gran was in the hospital most of the week due to a lung infection that severely restricted her oxygen intake (which is difficult enough with her 1 and 1/3 lungs). But she has recovered well, and was let out of the hospital a few days early. We celebrated her 66th birthday on Saturday and it was nice to be with the family in an atmosphere that focused on her for once. Syd took some great pictures. I will have to get them from him so that I can post them on here.
On Sunday Michael and I went to church and then we went to the cemetery to locate my Ouma’s grave (grandmother). It took some searching, but with the original map and funeral service flyer we were able to find it. She passed away 17 years ago on September 29th (coming this Wednesday). It was nice to finally see her resting place again, but I knew I would not find here there because she is in a more heavenly place.
Well, a new week begins and we are almost at our half way point in our trip… We are excited to get back to doing some serious homework with the kids at Sparrow now that Heritage Day is over. Im starting to really enjoy seeing familiar and friendly faces there. Most are adorable and just make your heart melt!!
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