Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Teachers Strike

To be honest, I wasn’t sure what I was to expect today. After waking up with a dreadfully sore throat from sleeping with a clogged nose I only hoped that my day would be better than my morning wake up. Most of the flu has passed now. I just have a runny nose and a sore throat as a result. But Michael and I decided that today was as good a day as any to get moving again and go out!

After breakfast we made our very first trip down to Brightwater Commons where we window shopped and dipped in and out of flea markets. The stores are all located outside, much like that of the outlets. It felt good to get some sun and be out.. If only I could enjoy it as a healthy individual!

After lunch Michael and I made our first serious trip to Sparrow Village. Last time we were there there were only about 7 students in the study room and with the village’s much relaxed policy about homework I did not expect to see more than this number today. But surprisingly the current teachers strike worked in our favor. No school was held today and the children were put in study sessions throughout the day. The room was jam-packed with kids! With a single raising of the hand our services were called for above the bustling of child chatter. Once Stacy told them that I could help with Afrikaans homework I realized I was doomed!! But it was fun to revisit the language that used to haunt me at night… I am going to have to do a lot of remembering!

Sparrow is actually running into quite a predicament. Turns out their lack of interest in pushing the kids to do their homework may actually affect their funding – grade reports came back and many kids are failing school. Hopefully this is where Michael and I can make our impact. It appears that many of them just want you to give them the answer – we are going to have to challenge this comfort.

My favorite child was Simon, a little boy who is still learning to count and write letters. The little sweetheart sneaked in the room once everyone left and sat on a chair waiting for one of us to notice him. I asked him if he had some homework and with a nod of the head he came and sat next Michael and I. With great shyness he turned his book page by page until some 50 pages later we landed on his homework. He is so adorable!! I took a photo of Michael and Simon with his homework – I have to post it!!! I cannot wait to see sweet sweet Simon tomorrow – Simon who likes to write his letters and numbers sideways.

1 comment:

  1. Did u buy much at brightwater? do they still have that movie ride thing?!?!?! do u know what i am talking about? What did Mike think of the place...

    PS: who does most of the driving? u or him?
