We woke up early and prepared our picnic food… Today I was taking Michael to the Lion Park – finally something exciting for him to experience! With much excitement we climbed in our little manual car and drove but only 22 minutes away to where our adventure awaited us. For only R115.00 per person we had access to the Lion Cub Pens, Safari Game Drive and Lion Camps.
We started with the cubs. I am so glad that we went early in the morning! Because there were so few people there we did not have to abide by the “maximum of 8 people at a time in the pen” and “a maximum of 2 minutes play time with the cubs.” The guides let us loose and did not make any haste in chasing us out. We got so many cute and gorgeous pictures of the cubs! Being with them is incredible! Their fur is course but short; they feel so heavy and bulky. But they love to rub against you.
I owe a special thanks to Becky who gave me some coco butter lotion for the trip – it proved to be a delicious marinade for the cubs!!!! It all began with a couple licks on the knee… Michael was trying to take a photo of me with the cub, but every time I looked up to smile at the camera I noticed the licking became more like little nibbles. It wasn’t long before by bracelet became the next juicy meal… and as the lion moved up along my body a final big bite on my hair sounded the alarm. I literally played tug of war with the cub – with my hair being his personal chew toy. After the little struggle I stood up and brushed my hair, only until I felt his teeth grab my shorts!! The feisty little bugger ripped a hole in my pants! Lol… But once you see those adorable eyes looking back at you you cant help but forgive him and want to go right back to petting and loving the little guy…
I knew very well that I was going to have Michael pet lion cubs and see giraffes, but when I saw that you could purchase food to feed the giraffes I simply could not resist the temptation! R29 less and with a big bag of pellet-like food, I offered for Michael to make the first move. With a fist full of food he held out his hand and the giraffe’s long gooey tongue wrapped itself around it and gobbled up the food! Hehe, Michael was loving it!! After a couple fistfuls, it was my turn to approach the huge animal. Its tongue was so rough and hard! It slid everywhere like a serpent!!!! Our hands were so wet and sticky and the giraffe was very eager to get the next lot of food. The money was so worth it! We got tons of gorgeous up close photos and even some video footage too… I was so happy that we were able to have this additional experience on our trip.
After the cubs and the giraffes we had a picnic just outside the safari gate. With the view of three tall giraffes nearby we ate our sandwiches and then climbed in our car and drove through the gate to go on our own little safari. We saw lots of springbuck and wildebeest. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the wind blow through the tall grass that followed us on our path… The safari ended at the lion camp where we drove through 3 camps in our own vehicles. Just outside out windows were prides of lions sleeping away on the grass. Some were even daring enough to walk up in between the cars. It amazes me how lazy these big cats can be!! But it was all a beautiful sight!
We made it home safely with tons of memories and photos. I am so happy that we were able to make this trip today! It truly was the perfect day for our encounters with the little lions and giraffes… Hopefully another adventure awaits us soon.